Sunday, 24 May 2009

moving portrait

Magical family portraits.

Monday, 11 May 2009

Suitcase Ensemble Flyer!

The Suitcase Ensemble Flyer Is Here!

performances on 18th and 19th June at the Unity theatre liverpool.
tickets £6.50
showtime: 8pm

Beating Burlosconi

Some caricatures for Beating burlosconi, this is Coleen who is 'sturdy' according to the character who meets her on the bus but that's what he likes, so he draws her picture by way of a chat up.
'Moose' is a Somalian serving in the Cheshire regiment, a caricature of a character played by the same actor who's other character does caricatures of the other characters he plays.

painting a mural

I have been working with children in Hatten hill Primary school to paint murals on the walls of their play ground.
The theme of this one is the day they had when some large bones mysteriously turned up one morning in their playground, theories flew around like a food fight; It is a cow! A dinosoar! A T rex! A terradactyl! some of the more cynical decried it as a setup right from the word go. but they painted their interpretations on the wall anyway.

Friday, 1 May 2009

suitcase ensemble flyer photo

here we are posing for our family portrait photo.